The he Danish Osteogenesis Imperfecta Society, DFOI, is a nationwide interest organization for people with a connection to the diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta (congenital bone fragility). DFOI is an NGO.
Everyone with OI and their 1. generation family members are entitled to membership with full rights. This means parents, spouses/partners, siblings and children. The annual membership fee is currently as follows:
Membership fee
Adults: DKK 250 per person
Child: DKK 0 per person
Youngerstes (+up to 25. y.o.): DKK 0 per person
Support member: DKK 200.
If you are not already a member, but wish to become one, you can fill in the online form.INSÆT LINK TIL WEB-SHOP
Please contact chairman of the board and membership manager Karsten Jensen,, or call at (+ 45) 70 20 7085 for assistance or any questions regarding membership fees or membership in DFOI.